Privacy Policy

Your trust in us means a lot to everyone on our team. We've done our best to come up with a privacy policy that keeps all of your details and information private. But before you give us your assignments and tasks, please read the following privacy policies:

All of the students' personal information, such as their names, phone numbers, email addresses, etc., is kept strictly within the company. We never tell anyone else about these facts.

No one outside of our company knows anything about our tutors. We have a very safe, secure, and secret way to send and receive money. Your credit card information only stays in the system's cache memory as long as the transaction window is open on your screen. As soon as you confirm the transaction or close the window, the system's cache memory deletes any temporary information about the transaction that was stored. So, there is no chance that any of your transactional information could get out through our servers.

We may tell the government about your personal information if the law says we have to. The information will only be shared when it's necessary to protect and defend our rights or to follow a court order or other legal process that has been served on our website.Our company has a quality review department that makes sure that the assignments our tutors write are not copied from other sources. Before being sent to you, all of the written materials are carefully checked with several tools that look for plagiarism.We reserve the right to change our privacy policies whenever we think it's necessary, even if we don't tell you. So, you should read over our privacy policies often to make sure you don't get confused.

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